Company Information

Message from the CEO

Message from the CEO

ENERGY×AI×LIFE Change the future we live through energy data

Change the future we live through energy data

Our company was founded in 2013 and we are developing our business to implement a carbon neutral society in Japan and beyond, by utilising information technology (IT) including our unique AI.

Our genesis dates back to 2010, arond the time the buzz word "smart grid" emerged.  I was working for Sony Corporation, where I was exploring for new concepts that encompasses the elements of "Enjoyment, Dreams, and Creation," and as an extension of that pursuit, I found a connection with energy.

Nowadays, the global energy industry has reached a major turning point, and information technology (IT) is one of the most important element for a viable solution.  Even if we pursue the efficient use of energy and its sustainability in order to achieve a carbon neutral society and the realization of a sustainable society, people's lives will always be at the center, and the point of contact will be information technology (IT).  We believe that the technological contribution we should aim for, is to create a "new normal" for people and their lives in the future through energy IT.

At Informetis we analyse energy-related data acquired in real time using our own cutting-edge AI, and develop innovative solutions that exploit the potential value to contribute to an ultra-efficient energy use towards a carbon neutral society.  Infometis will continue to contribute to the optimization of a wide range of social systems through human-centered smart grids with "Energy x AI" as its core technology. Starting from Japan, we will strive to improve our corporate value through positively impacting he future of life around the globe.

Informetis Co., Ltd. CEO
Taro Tadano